
Thursday, November 25, 2010

fr Global Psychics...

Here's a terrific exercise to help you begin creating what you want in your life..

Count your Blessings

Make a list of all of the things you are grateful for in your life. Include your friendships and family, the floor that holds you up, the warm bed that comforts you at night and the computer that enables you to connect with fascinating folks from around the world. Include also the mistakes you have made, the setbacks that have disappointed and challenged you - and all of the opportunities to change, to learn and to grow that have come from them.
Then make a list of everything you are wishing for... and as you write each one, bring it into present time. See and feel yourself having what you want, being grateful for it as if it has already happened. Feel yourself jumping for joy at achieving your goals, and see your friends and family surrounding you with love and appreciation for your good work.
When you've completed the blessings lists, affirm your dreams regularly by repeating this prayer
"Godessence grant me the grace to live with gratitude."

Make an attitude of gratitude your magical approach to life.. You'll be so very grateful that you did.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Do not wait for the perfect day to happen

See perfection in today.

By accepting what is

Without judgement of how it should be.

Knowing that

All is as it should be

right here

right now.

And be at peace with

what is.

I trudge through the day
expecting a miracle
to give meaning to life.

I yearn to reach up to my soul
to sing to a different tune
then what is right now.

I wonder if all this is not just escapism
to get out of
the drudgery of it all.

such as now
I find peace in what is
As it is.

Let change come as surely it will
Only change is unchanging
All of this is just a blink
of the eye
In the eternity of Time.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

We are creating a new world. A world of harmony, peace, balance, joy, equilibrium, freedom. Purity, Beauty, Joy ..... exemplifies this new world. Come into this sacred space O all co-creators of this sacred world....

We are the world, we are the people, we are the creation, WE are the Creators

What a new World means to me.....