
Sunday, December 21, 2014

'Invictus' by William Earnest Henley!

"Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul."

Friday, December 19, 2014

2014 round up ....

Let go of the things you can't change

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014


The things we buy into !! What IS the TRUTH?

Which Inspirational Quote Really Motivates You? 

Whatever You Are Be a Good One - Illustrated Quotes by Lisa Congdon via Design Crush Blog

Sunday, November 23, 2014



A good one ....

Saturday, November 22, 2014

I like this shade of brown ....

Friday, November 21, 2014




Which Type of Storm Are You?

You are intriguing and enlightening, but very pretty and introverted.
Your weather symbol: ★

What Emotion Is Your Subconscious Hiding?



Your subconscious is hiding a profound joy! The Tarot reveal that at your core you're incredibly happy and optimistic! You may have had some challenges or difficult circumstances that have gotten you a bit down, but it's time to reconnect to your true, joyful nature because it's shining through! The stars are aligned in your favor and ready to bring you lots of happiness and laughter. Are you ready? Be open, never hesitate to smile and reveal your blissful inner happiness! The world definitely needs more joy; we're so lucky that we have you to give us some!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

We are like tea bags , we don’t know our own strength until 
we are in hot water.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Chamomile. Among the benefits:

Relaxing nervine for states of tension
Aromatic and bitter for regulating digestion
Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Simple rules for these next few years...

-Love - love despite all
-Never say "no" to a request for help.
-Heal with R's trithillion symbol.

Liberation and Harmony through

-Listen to Tom Kenyon's 4 min sound
video, The Elevetron...
In its simplest terms the requirement to successfully
make this passage through the escalation of Chaotic
Nodes is deep authentic contact with your inter-
dimensional or spiritual nature and the self-renewal
that arises from such contact.
We are therefore sharing a sound meditation for this
purpose. There are no complex geometries involved.
There is nothing that needs to be done when engaging
this sound meditation other than placing your awareness
in your entire physical body.
The sound patterns are a direct transmission from the
light realms into the language of your biology. It is a
counter-force to the chaos and the confusion that is
creating stress within your biological nature.
-Meditate and connect with nature more.
-Be in deep samadhi with Self - with every breath imagine
Soul energies pouring into the etheric body and into all
the etheric chakras and seeping into the dense body
counterpart, healing, making whole/Holy. Merge in Soul.

Rochelle did ....

Friday, November 14, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

3 D - existence (space)
       - duration (time)
       - movement (motion)

A thin line divides Beast and God
That thin line is Man.
Man is the interface between the higher and the lower.
Man is where God meets Beast
Man encapsulates both God and Beast
And is hence forever the war zone
where great battles are fought between the
opposing two great streams of energy, of existence
of forces and powers. Man the war-torn battle ground
On this thin line Man is stretched out in a fixed cross.
Man can move two ways.... down or up, lower or higher.
He has a choice, being dual in nature.
Polarized between a continuum of opposites...
Being dual in nature he is a constant tug of war
between that in him that calls for the higher
and that in him that constantly, constantly pulls him lower
Over which he must triumph; over desire that beguiles from
the nether depths of his subconscious, beastial roots
Awaken to the seed of divinity waiting to grow deep within the mire
That as the lotus flower, grow from the murky depths below
into glorious, effulgence into light and light filled realms above
That he may from a beast, into man, flower into God!
On his shoulders rest the destiny of the Worlds
We await His (humanity's) mass (yet One) Awakening.

Man belongs to sooo manyyy .....
each clawing and pawing and nudging and kicking and grabbing at him
he is not himself, he is no-man, no-face...
he is a slave, enslaved, owned surreptitiously by Forces unseen
He is a dummy doll acting speaking, doing, thinking so many many
selves that act and play out through him.... He, oblivious to this !
Asleep in his ignorance... thinking he is the doer and seer and thinker.
Perplexed by his multi-faceted self, unable to reconcile one aspect of
himself with another, not knowing how...
But deep within him is HimSelf - sovereign and inviolable. 
A slumbering seed awaiting recognition, acknowledgement, awakening
To be found when man dies to his outer selves through awakening
to the "party" playing out through him; knowing it is not who he IS.
dis-identifying with his many facets through embracing all and
neutralizing them thereby. In the unity without (of all selves into a
centrepoint of oneness) comes stillness (actively cultivated through
meditation and concentration through some one single pointed task)
through which shines the light from higher dimensions which awaken
the slumbering seed of divinity which is his sovereign Self.
Acknowledging this, he now works at stilling the other pseudo-
selves and focuses on nurturing his true identity, of himSelf, growing
himself so to say on the soil of the personality (aggregation of selves)
and thereby extricating from the lower dimensions of expression back
to Source in which he lives and moves and has his being - a Pristine
State which he now experiences as one with him and all. ALL IS ONE.

And in the process he has served to bridge the division between the
lower and the higher, a great service rendered to Creation towards ONENESS.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Peter Konstantinov Deunov, also known as Beinsa Douno

The entire solar system has entered a new sphere of the Spirit. 
The earth has been in a decline until now. It now embarks on its 
 ascension." - Beinsa Douno (1886 - 1944)

Window ....

Dolores Cannon passes away

I wasn't particularly attracted to her works but many were ...

 Photo: Legacy from the Stars, one of the earlier books I researched and wrote about ETs and the UFO phenomenon, is now available in e-book format. Please like and share and let me know if you've read it!

Photo: Remember that life is just a play, a game, an illusion. Please like, comment and share if you agree!

 Photo: We ask that you please keep Dolores in your thoughts and prayers. She is happy to be home now but may have a long road to recovery so we truly appreciate all your love and healing energy. Thank you!