
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

3 D - existence (space)
       - duration (time)
       - movement (motion)

A thin line divides Beast and God
That thin line is Man.
Man is the interface between the higher and the lower.
Man is where God meets Beast
Man encapsulates both God and Beast
And is hence forever the war zone
where great battles are fought between the
opposing two great streams of energy, of existence
of forces and powers. Man the war-torn battle ground
On this thin line Man is stretched out in a fixed cross.
Man can move two ways.... down or up, lower or higher.
He has a choice, being dual in nature.
Polarized between a continuum of opposites...
Being dual in nature he is a constant tug of war
between that in him that calls for the higher
and that in him that constantly, constantly pulls him lower
Over which he must triumph; over desire that beguiles from
the nether depths of his subconscious, beastial roots
Awaken to the seed of divinity waiting to grow deep within the mire
That as the lotus flower, grow from the murky depths below
into glorious, effulgence into light and light filled realms above
That he may from a beast, into man, flower into God!
On his shoulders rest the destiny of the Worlds
We await His (humanity's) mass (yet One) Awakening.

Man belongs to sooo manyyy .....
each clawing and pawing and nudging and kicking and grabbing at him
he is not himself, he is no-man, no-face...
he is a slave, enslaved, owned surreptitiously by Forces unseen
He is a dummy doll acting speaking, doing, thinking so many many
selves that act and play out through him.... He, oblivious to this !
Asleep in his ignorance... thinking he is the doer and seer and thinker.
Perplexed by his multi-faceted self, unable to reconcile one aspect of
himself with another, not knowing how...
But deep within him is HimSelf - sovereign and inviolable. 
A slumbering seed awaiting recognition, acknowledgement, awakening
To be found when man dies to his outer selves through awakening
to the "party" playing out through him; knowing it is not who he IS.
dis-identifying with his many facets through embracing all and
neutralizing them thereby. In the unity without (of all selves into a
centrepoint of oneness) comes stillness (actively cultivated through
meditation and concentration through some one single pointed task)
through which shines the light from higher dimensions which awaken
the slumbering seed of divinity which is his sovereign Self.
Acknowledging this, he now works at stilling the other pseudo-
selves and focuses on nurturing his true identity, of himSelf, growing
himself so to say on the soil of the personality (aggregation of selves)
and thereby extricating from the lower dimensions of expression back
to Source in which he lives and moves and has his being - a Pristine
State which he now experiences as one with him and all. ALL IS ONE.

And in the process he has served to bridge the division between the
lower and the higher, a great service rendered to Creation towards ONENESS.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Peter Konstantinov Deunov, also known as Beinsa Douno

The entire solar system has entered a new sphere of the Spirit. 
The earth has been in a decline until now. It now embarks on its 
 ascension." - Beinsa Douno (1886 - 1944)

Window ....

Dolores Cannon passes away

I wasn't particularly attracted to her works but many were ...

 Photo: Legacy from the Stars, one of the earlier books I researched and wrote about ETs and the UFO phenomenon, is now available in e-book format. Please like and share and let me know if you've read it!

Photo: Remember that life is just a play, a game, an illusion. Please like, comment and share if you agree!

 Photo: We ask that you please keep Dolores in your thoughts and prayers. She is happy to be home now but may have a long road to recovery so we truly appreciate all your love and healing energy. Thank you!

Saturday, October 18, 2014



Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What's your anger type?

Liquid Rage

When you get mad the tears start going, and that just makes everything worse. You're a wet anger type of person, as odd as it may sound. When someone pushes you too far you feel it- the fury filling you to the very brim until you're over-spilling, scrambling to put together insults while you desperately try to think things through. Don't be mistaken- this doesn't make you weak. Once the waves have calmed you simmer on what's happened, and as soon as you can, you find a way to balance out the tides between yourself and your wrong-doers. 

Yes true enough .... now to get to that unruffled state ....

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Libra Full Moon

The Master DK tells us that the power of Libra is steadily growing in the planetary horoscope. This is fortunate because Libra is the Sign of Peace, reflecting the Peace of Shamballa. The world currently is at war ideologically and, to a dangerous extent, physically. This conflict is meant to be fought out on the mental plane and is not intended to descend into a full blown war upon the physical plane. The conflict is part of humanity’s necessary house-cleaning before the Prince of Peace, the Christ, and His Spiritual Hierarchy, can return to visibility and wide recognition. We can do our part in meditation to help bring harmony to the present turbulent situation: harmony between human beings and harmony between the human and deva kingdoms—so necessary if we are avoid the ecological disaster on our little planet. We must learn to fuse soul and personality; this is called “The Marriage in the Heavens” and will prepare a certain proportion of humanity for the first initiation and, thus, entry into the fifth kingdom of nature—the Kingdom of Souls.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

R U an optimist, pessimist or realist?


You are a true realist! You don't really believe in positive or negative thinking, you believe in the truth and the now. You always see the practical side of things, always weighing your options and foreseeing the most probable outcome. You are very calculated, smart, and you don't make rush decisions. You just see things for what they are, without all the crap, which makes you a great person to get life advice from. Now can you help all those optimists and pessimists see the world for what it really is??

Karen Richards....

... I stopped resisting struggle. I surrendered to the process. I recognized that this was necessary. It is not a doing. It is a realizing that there is something knowing of That. All we have to do is give validation to that. The mind then comes in and tries to ...oh I see this behaviour and I see that behaviour and tries to change it .... so its an overcompensation for the behaviour that it sees it doesn't like but actually this is all superficial and it is on the level of mind. So we have to go deeper - we have to realize that actually ... there is something that is untouched ... and at the same time, simultaneously fused, inseparable, from experience because experience is actually a manifestation of consciousness, of awareness. There is no separation. Can you find where awareness begins and ends. Can you find where experience begins and ends. Can you find the separation between the two. Actually, they are just words that are pointing to One Thingless Thing That doesn't have any form or location, can't be defined in any way. And I just used everything in my disposal for enquiring, to confirm that and I continue to do that; it doesn't stop.... this illness showed me that actually I was never in touch with myself ... my nursing career was always about serving others. And it was serving others to fill an emotional void in my egoic self - that I didn't recognize was there. So, this is about your cup running over, this is about being totally centred, grounded, present ... because then you are in harmony with everything. So you are serving yourself; you are serving the One and there is nothing selfish about being selfish in the right way. Its amazing in terms how it showed me that. I didn't even know what I wanted actually. I didn't even know where my boundary was and where someone else's began. So even though everything is the One manifested as everything its like I had to re-learn in this apparent physical form what was my stuff and what wasn't. From surrender comes right action, comes the clarity to know how to act that isn't coming from a personal will. Its actually coming from intelligence. Its a really difficult thing to explain actually but there is action that is not born of mind. It is not born of trying to find the right decision, the right thing to do. What do I do? This, this or this you know? There's just movement that is flowing, seamless movement .... its like a river doesn't need to decide which way round a rock it goes, its just literally flowing, its moving; its doesn't need to scratch its head and make a decision about that. So there is this innate intelligence, this innate knowing that knows how to act and when we are ready for something it appears by itself. Whatever is meant will happen spontaneously by itself..... most content that is put out there is around, in kind of psycho spiritual practices ... people who have an illness .... normally you follow a practice, you have an awakening and you get miraculously healed as a result of it ... its such a myth ... its important to convey what you have just been saying that is there is a place for surrender and there's a place for right action. Being a victim doesn't mean being totally passive ... but what you are pointing to I think is The Place that action comes from ... yes, totally, totally. It isn't about perfection in health, perfection in any form of action because where are those ideas born? So this is really abstract. This is nothing to grab hold of, nothing to make sense of, nothing to understand. And, I'm resigned to the fact that whatever will happen will happen and it has nothing to do with the physical state of this body and actually looking back about two years ago there was a period where I was really struggling. I was back in a difficult state regarding health. What I was enquiring was actually. "Could I live with this?" The conclusion I came to was absolutely yes. What choice do I have? Surrender to it. And shortly after that, a couple of months later, I was presented with some information that started a much better line of healing. There are challenges now but I'm definitely much better .... you said earlier about not having suffering about suffering and that yes that it is unpleasant and that it is physically painful  and emotionally painful but not to put another layer over that ... absolutely... its about realizing that everything is confirmation of this knowing and perception is unaffected so it doesn't matter what that perception looks or feels like and we are open to the full range of human emotion and human experience because otherwise it would be kind of boring - rainbow with just one colour or music with just one note. There has to be this contrast ...  Its realizing what I am is what you are, we are not just connected, we are the same. We are the same in essence and even though a form may dissolve, that essence remains always.