
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path."
- Buddha

"Changing the world begins
with the very personal process of changing yourself,
the only place you can begin is where you are,
and the only time you can begin is always now" - Gary Zukav

image credit: Super Moon Over The Rockies by Darren White 

2 girlish old ladies ... how delightful !


A baby's love for its mama ...

"Lizzy the koala was taken to a wildlife hospital in an Australian zoo, with her son holding on to her side. Poor Lizzy had been hit by a car. Her little boy, Phantom, only 6-months-old, was luckily unharmed and screamed when they tried to remove him from his mother. Lizzy suffered a collapsed lung that required emergency surgery. Phantom continued to hold on and would not leave her even during the operation.Lizzy survived the surgery and is currently recovering with Phantom by her side."

Children who should have better...

A Manifesto for Children and the World

picture perfect

picture perfect

"The orange-breasted sunbird"

Every horse's dream ?

ha ha ha ...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The last red blood moon this year ...

View of the moon near El Paso snapped by Mari Sosa

Today I am grateful for having a sense of humor! Where would we be without a reason to laugh?

Monday, September 28, 2015

Something all of us need to be wary about ...


From my teens ... sweet recollection...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

I invite magic into my life!
I invite abundance into my life !
I invite transcendence into my life!
I invite beauty, truth, harmony into my life !
I invite love - that liberates into my life!
I invite healing light into my life !
I invite my unique expression into my life!
I invite all that is Good, True and Beautiful

Image result for MAGIC

27/9 -28/9 Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

In the next 36 hours, we will move through the Super Full Moon 
Lunar Eclipse energies, and many are already feeling the effects.

Tomorrow will mark the 4th consecutive Blood Moon Total Lunar 
Eclipse in the last two years, something that is quite a rare occurrence.

This Lunar Eclipse represents a peak energetic point of reference that 
will serve as an anchor to facilitating continued greater personal and 
global change. You may have noticed things are moving very quickly 
around you at this time, and sometimes it's a little bit of a challenge 
keeping up with everything.

The massive waves of light that began pouring in during the Solar 
Eclipse on September 12/13 will be at their most potent during this 
Lunar Eclipse, so you may notice a lot of emotional and mental 
patterns come to the surface to be released.

The light coming into Earth's atmosphere right now, is some of the 
most supportive and healing light we've ever been able to receive, 
since 'The Great Fall' that took place thousands of years ago, that 
allowed our minds to forget who we truly are as eternal Spirit Beings. 
If you're not feeling these supportive and healing energies, simply 
open your arms up wide, palms facing up... and affirm out loud to the 
Universe that you are fully ready to receive Its love, support, and 
healing light now and always!

If something is coming to the surface for you to be healed at this time, 
give yourself permission not to suppress it, or confuse it to be taking 
steps backwards in your spiritual progress. This is actually not the 
case. It is coming up as a result of your choosing to be dedicated to 
your spiritual path...which creates a type of purification process that 
creates a continuous release of denser frequencies we may be holding 
on to. This includes lower vibing thoughts, memories, unhealthy foods, 
relationships, habits, and experiences that no longer align with who we 
are at our core.

With this final Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that takes place until 2018, 
we are being guided to align with the most authentic part of ourselves. 
We are also being asked to complete/finish everything involved in our 
current cycle that we are ready to outgrow, so that we can begin a fresh 
new cycle.

As with all Full Moons, emotions may be running high at this time, so 
please be kind and gentle with yourself, and take the time to nurture 
your mind, body and Spirit in whatever ways that feel joyful and 
expansive for you.

If you are enjoying these updates, and know someone who may benefit 
from reading them... please feel free to share and inspire.

Love always,


freedom is ....

Find Your Uniqueness. Let It Nourish Your Spirit!