Thursday, March 31, 2016
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Apparently the most threatened of the bird species... the parrot.
Posted by DandyLion at 12:40 PM 0 comments
If we don't grow, we aren't really living.
~ Gail Sheehy ~
Posted by DandyLion at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 25, 2016
Ahem ... what is that all about? Genuine?
Pope Francis washes feet of refugees for Easter Week
The traditional Easter Week foot-washing ceremony by the pontiff is meant as a Catholic gesture of service.
Posted by DandyLion at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Thorncombe Woods, Puddletown, Dorset, England.
Before me rose a lofty hill,
Behind me lay the sea,
My heart was not so heavy then
As it was wont to be.
But when I looked upon the bank
My wandering glances fell
Upon a little trembling flower,
A single sweet bluebell.
O, that lone flower recalled to me
My happy childhood's hours
When bluebells seemed like fairy gifts
A prize among the flowers.
Taken from 'The Bluebell' by Ann Bronte
Posted by DandyLion at 2:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
"All members of an Acorn Woodpecker group spend large amounts of time storing acorns. Acorns typically are stored in holes drilled into a single tree, called a granary tree. One granary tree may have up to 50,000 holes in it, each of which is filled with an acorn in autumn. The Acorn Woodpecker will use human-made structures to store acorns, drilling holes in fenceposts, utility poles, buildings...
Posted by DandyLion at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
A pleasant change ... ladybird,ladybird, fly away home....
Posted by DandyLion at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 14, 2016
I'm at the age when trivia counts .... to make me feel good ...
How Many Trivia Questions Can You Answer?
You got 100% correct
You aced it!
Our congratulations! You did it really great and answered all of the questions correctly! You should be proud of your brain.
You are one of a kind!
Posted by DandyLion at 4:09 PM 0 comments
ha ha ... reckon ... ?
hmmm ... I figure it'z right ...
face it ... we're here to stay ...
because you luv us sooo......eooww....
Posted by DandyLion at 4:04 PM 0 comments
breathe in the fresh air ... up in the hills ... amongst the flowers ...
Posted by DandyLion at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 13, 2016
written for the solar eclipse and new moon last wednesday, five days ago, on 9/3...
article by Stephanie South, and a great reminder....
"To clear ourselves we must be willing to LET GO and work to release
all emotional charges. When we make vibration a priority in our life,
then we avoid unnecessary arguments or discord as harmony becomes more
important than being right. Let the other person be right (as long as
it’s not harming anyone). Most arguments are unnecessary plays of ego
and are detrimental in creating harmonic resonance......
What was the “fall” but a change of vibration? Religion was created out of a perceived disconnection from Source, the primal vibrational frequency, pure and uncontaminated. Religion means “to bind back to one."
The central part of ourselves (our inner sun) connects us with the primary genesis of everything (all suns). Our vibration is directly connected with and affecting the workings of the entire planet. We are a key interactive unit in the entire cosmos."
"We have totally forgotten that this Universe is the outcome of vibration. This Universe is not communication. This Universe is not money. This Universe is not love, it is not sex, it is not beauty, it is not even God. That one line is true: “In the beginning there was the Word, Word was with God, and Word was God.” That’s all it is about. What is a word? Creative vibration." — Yogi Bhajan
Posted by DandyLion at 2:15 PM 0 comments
If its in here I feel I resonate with it ...
This Abstract Image Test Will Reveal Your True Self
Practical & Grounded
Based on your associations with the abstract, you are the kind of person
who pays attention to very close detail. You have a deep sense of
humanity and you understand people well - you are tender but also
cautious. You have a fairly organized life and have a well-developed
sense of speech and writing as well as other forms of communication. You
often assume the care-taking role in your relationships with others.
One of your greatest flaws is that you are highly critical of yourself
which can cause you to stress out easily. You make an excellent lover
and crave the feeling of being desired and appreciated. You give great
advice and people trust you for guidance and wisdom.

Posted by DandyLion at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Larks - they are singers...
horned lark
crested lark
calandra lark
meadow lark
Posted by DandyLion at 1:32 PM 0 comments