
Thursday, January 21, 2010

by Danielle of Global Psychics Network..

Your mind is an asset when you want to bake a cake,
but it gets in your way when it comes to loving and living.
.. it is our minds that get to worrying and over-analyzing –
and thus attracting trouble to us…

So often we are victims of our minds, locked into patterns
of thinking that become almost obsessive in nature, especially
when it comes to a relationship that has ended, financial
setbacks or some traumatic event or loss, “how can I stop
thinking about him, how could I have changed the outcome,
why did this have to happen”… our minds whirl around our
pain with dozens of questions, driving us a little crazy for awhile,
blocking us from any forward motion in our lives.
It doesn’t occur to us that we can simply stop thinking about

the problem – that we can acknowledge it and all the fear it
raises, and then set it aside to get on with our lives. It doesn’t
occur to us to believe that we can take control of our minds,
that our minds are not “us”, but simply a tool that we use to
manage our bodies and our day-to-day lives. It doesn’t occur
to us to think of the mind as a tool, a tool that we can choose to
use, and how – or not.

Your perspective changes when you think of your brain/mind
as a tool, an instrument that you can learn to manage so it can
help you to produce more of what you want in life . If you can
change your mind, you can change your world, for your world
is greatly affected by your state of mind. – six of swords in the
Tarot. Think how you might change your world, if you took
control of what’s on your mind….

But we are like rats on a wheel when it comes to our beliefs and
thinking processes… we keep repeating the same patterns,
whether negative or positive because we have established certain
neuro-pathways in our brains… so changing our minds is
tantamount to changing our worlds – but takes more effort than
we might first think. It takes courage, time and determination to
set new pathways in the brain. You have to learn how to play a
Mind Game with yourself.

The Mind Game begins by deciding that your mind is a tool, and
that from this point on, you intend to be in control of this tool.
Then, when the worries and fears come up, when you start thinking
of the old pain, or get into your “nots”, stop, make a conscious choice
to move forward, and act on that choice. Here are some useful ways
to change your mind:
-get busy, distract yourself with some other activity that you enjoy,
-call a friend or a family member who canl lift your spirits
-acknowledge what you feel, write about it, and then let it go… burn

-your notes on a full moon and let the ashes go in running water
-say a prayer, repeat some affirmations, visualize some positive event

occurring around you
-offer to bear your sorrow joyfully as a gift to all those who suffer in

similar ways
-offer some service to another
-consider your options, seek inspiration and healing
-focus on what is good and loving and positive in your life
-rent a funny movie, read a good book
-pour your energy into a creative project

Have fun playing this Mind Game. Learning to control what’s on your mind will change your life in wonderful ways, so it’s definitely worth the effort and the commitment… that’s a promise!