The Spiritual Path
Silence - restive Mind – NOW
Step 1
Accept all as is… ideologies, events, people, circumstances AS IS.
That means no ideas, opinions, judgements, criticism ad infinitum…
Accept all AS IS…
Step 2
Let go of wanting an Existential Ideology.
Meaning to life other than what is. The need to achieve something
spiritual or otherwise eg. what is my life purpose.
Step 3
Accept myself AS I AM. Accept my life As Is. My life is unfolding
exactly as it should. I am playing out my script.
Step 4
Let life unfold and unravel itself. If you want to do something do it.
Throw away the must dos which were never done.
It is a waste of mental energy and life force.
Step 5
Concentrate on right NOW. feel, smell, do, hear, taste, be present
with the task at hand. Be mindful in the present, bring that mind
back again and again to what I am doing now.
Step 6
Intensely B in the Now. The mind wanders to the hot and spiked up
topics in the present world scenario. Searching for something out there.
Keep abreast of developments but focus within in the Now.
Step 7
Get deeper beyond the phenomena.
To a place of complete stillness…the space between two breaths,
the space between two sounds….
be still and listen to the silence in between sounds…
Step 8
More and more stay unruffled…in the stillness of the busy market place.
Make haste slowly.
Step 9
Meditation * Stillness * Service/Charity * Higher Knowledge
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