
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

David Icke

What we believe, we perceive
What we perceive, we experience.

Let us look at this.
According to my beliefs I interpret others actions or outer
events - my perception. Accordingly I experience it as a
confirmation of my belief. For example I believe that others
see me as not helpful; I then actually interpret their words
or stance or just assume they are thinking just that - oh they
must think I am not willing, not wanting to do, not helpful
and consequently I experience my actions not for what they
really are (I really have valid reasons why I can't contribute 
or help) but that I am just being unhelpful, selfish or just
not wanting to help and feel pain and a sense of guilt, and 
a whole new story gets spun about how now they are not 
going to help me when I need help; I will be alone and 
helpless especially when I am in need in my old age or 
when ill or ailing etc etc ad infinitum. And I subconsciously
tell myself that I must help at whatever cost to myself which
only gives rise to more rebellion, guilt and the cycle goes
round and round.