Thursday, December 31, 2015
Take care of oneself before others; only then is one able to serve appropriately...
Posted by DandyLion at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Heaven & Hell; profound...
A big burly samurai comes to the wise man and says, “Tell me the nature of heaven and hell.” And the roshi looks him in the face and says: “Why should I tell a scruffy, disgusting, miserable slob like you?” The samurai starts to get purple in the face, his hair starts to stand up, but the roshi won’t stop, he keeps saying, “A miserable worm like you, do you think I should tell you anything?” Consumed by rage, the samurai draws his sword, and he’s just about to cut off the head of the roshi. Then the roshi says, “That’s hell.” The samurai, who is in fact a sensitive person, instantly gets it, that he just created his own hell; he was deep in hell. It was black and hot, filled with hatred, self-protection, anger, and resentment, so much so that he was going to kill this man. Tears fill his eyes and he starts to cry and he puts his palms together and the roshi says, “That’s heaven.”
Posted by DandyLion at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
No matter ...
No matter how much I say I am all that I am NOW
I still feel the panicky urge to go join another esoteric
school etc. I still base what I think I am on what has
been told to me...
I just want to bask in me and just flow with life;
listening to just me but somehow from time to time
I feel that I have to join, accomplish, be part of a
bigger group. All this in the name of group work is
fine. But I first have to have a base - a strong base
of a grounded sense of who I am before I become
part of a greater group. I have been part of a greater
group but because I did not touch base with myself
first I keep identifying with others (groups, teachers)
or things (knowledge predominantly) and getting my
identity through who I am in these groups. I want to
get that sense of identity by just being ME first - then
I want to be part of a whole.
Almost as R said, BE; then ACT.
There is a tendency to just sink into the "bask in me
and just flow with life" drifting aimlessly but the trick
is to connect within and work at developing within;
work at developing a relationship with the outer world
without the interference of others' views and judgements
colouring who and what I am. Just using one guiding
guru (whoever that may be) who points out the way and
then charting my own course of experiential living and
There is a tendency to get lost in groups especially if I
identify totally with the group and have no sense of
personal identity. Mass consciousness.
So I haven't had a sense of individual consciousness yet.
Ego individuality is there but from that point to find the
ego-soul connection which is personal and a journey of
When this has been accomplished then group
conciousness may be developed without losing one's own
identity. One is able to contribute to world service without
the confusion and sense of overwhelm that happens when
the ground work of who I am has been firmly established.
So the spiritual journey I am on is a personal journey.
I am a leo - I am on a quest to discover my soul. This is
a personal journey and needing single pointed concentration
which is a cave experience. For now. Group work just
becomes scattering my energies around and not being
able to apply myself to the task at hand.
Much has been given me; shown me.
See if I can make something of it all.
Enough knowledge! Now it is time to apply it in my life
And let it bear fruit.
Posted by DandyLion at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
As R said, "First BE; then ACT".
Yes I think so too ... we are busy pursuing something we should
become that we forget we already are - therefore just BE ...
Posted by DandyLion at 1:37 PM 0 comments
"2015 will be remembered as the year in which our Parliament gave the executive more powers and ignored the guarantee of fundamental freedoms in our Federal Constitution."
Posted by DandyLion at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Time is Life. Time is movement. It is kinetic in nature. The mystery of time is that time happens when life happens. No life, no time. No thoughts/words/actions - No Time. So the words below make perfect sense...
Ramana Maharshi said to me,
"The only spiritual life you need is not to react."
To be calm is the greatest asset in the world.
It's the greatest siddhi, the greatest power you can have.
If you can only learn to be calm you will solve every problem.
This is something you must remember.
When you are perfectly calm, time stops.
There is no time, karma stops, samskaras stop.
Everything becomes null and void.
For when you are calm you are one with the entire energy of the universe
and everything will go well with you.
To be calm means you are in control.
You're not worried about the situation, the outcome.
What is going to happen tomorrow.
To be calm means everything is alright.
There is nothing to worry about, nothing to fret over.
This is also the meaning of the biblical saying,
"Be still and know that I am God."
To be calm is to be still.
~Robert Adams
Calm expressed ....
Posted by DandyLion at 1:23 PM 0 comments
You're entirely bonkers... but I'll tell you a secret: All the best people are.
Posted by DandyLion at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 28, 2015
"Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It isn't more complicated than that." - Sylvia Boorstein
Posted by DandyLion at 9:06 PM 0 comments
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” — Maya Angelou
image credit: Yong Ki Park,
Posted by DandyLion at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 27, 2015
MAY 2016 BRING ME A WEALTH OF A LIFE ... now you may read anything into that .... hint hint ...
Wealth of money, knowledge, awakening, understanding, patience, beauty, truth, harmony, peace, magnanimity, integrity, joy, happiness, blessings, mastery of self and circumstances, self-determination, self-acceptance, self-love, self-honouring, self-enhancing, service, charity, compassion, unity consiousness, One-ness Understanding..... ad infinitum .... :) ;)
Posted by DandyLion at 1:33 PM 0 comments
The Bots, Borgs and Humans Welcome You To 2025 AD ............????????
From documents that came out of NASA
Of times to come ...??
Do the research ....
Posted by DandyLion at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2015
The Black-Capped Chickadee
2016 - Focus on Health.
Let's be practical ... to achieve an alkaline status in the body
requires specific dietary choices as well as emotional and mental
choices .. please, be independent and create the body and the health you
want by choosing everything that helps you achieve that end, using
healthy organic foods and chemical free fluids ... you know it is
possible ~ Jane MacRoss
“Mysteriously, as elusive as it is, this moment
where the eye is what it sees,
where the heart is what it feels
this moment shows us that what is real is sacred” - Mark Nepo
Canary Bell Flower
A song's not a song 'til you sing it
Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay
Love isn't love 'til you give it away!
~ Oscar Hammerstein II ~

And finally,

By choosing to be our most authentic and loving self
we leave a trail of magic anywhere we go.
Posted by DandyLion at 10:50 AM 0 comments