Simon's key predictions as follows:
- an acceleration and heightening of electromagnetic energy from the sun and other cosmic energies that will build especially from late August into late September that will cause, circa 23rd-24th September, what he describes as a 'frequency shift' in consciousness. [the current and ongoing earth-facing solar CME's and the resultant geomagnetic storms here on Earth are certainly a real-time manifestation of this - see Laron's recent post here for more.]
- a resultant change in the pressure field on the planet's already weakening magnetic shield whereby a higher incidence of seismic activity and extreme weather patterns is likely whereby he specifically forecasts,
- a 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurring very close to Iran before the end of September that will cause what he calls a 'planetary threat spin.'
- a massive volcanic eruption on Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula late this year that will cause dramatic cooling in the Northern Hemisphere this coming winter and more especially the following winter of 2016/17.
- a 6.9 magnitude earthquake occurring in Northern California before the end of September as a consequence of the continuing drought in Southern California which is recalibrating the tectonic plates as the water tables continue to deplete. He forecasts this with 80% confidence.
- a major rise in floodings in the US this summer [the recent unprecedented flooding in Texas is one consequent example of this prediction bearing out] with a drought in parts of China [headlines here have been flood-related of late, but as this recent CCTV piece explains drought is certainly being experienced in some parts of China.]
- returning to the accelerating energies and the frequency shift in consciousness, he foresees this having resultant effects on the mental functioning of some people, of financial markets and organisations to the extent that,
- there's going to be news events in July and especially into August where people cannot control their own thoughts that will lead to societal events where people 'just lose it.'
- some leaders of governments and corporations becoming hallucinogenic whereby they're going to be imagining things that could lead to a "leader being taken away by the public because of this behaviour."
- in step with the accelerating energies he foresees the Earth's frequency (known as the Schumann Resonance - which historically rests at 7.83Hz but is currently estimated to have risen to 11Hz) rising even further to possibly as high as 13 or 14Hz by the end of September.

- these accelerations leading to a 2-4 day period in the 3rd or 4th week of September whereby shops may be closed and governments becoming increasingly dysfunctional.
- related to all of this, he strikingly predicts an intergalactic electromagnetic wave (which, he says, some equate to Planet X/Nibiru) that will arrive from another galaxy and sweep through the planet; this, he states, is instrumental to the raising of consciousness and it will consequently stun the world for a few days leading to between 10-17% of the population experiencing the aforementioned delusions and hallucinations.
- the Northern Hemisphere experiencing the accelerating energies more due to the larger land mass and magnetics therein; he says the Southern Hemisphere is already experiencing this [at the time of broadcast] but it's milder and stretched over a longer period of time.

- the potential for further viral outbreaks as the frequencies pass through.
- The Powers That Be (who are aware of all of this) seeking to capitalise, manipulate, suppress and control this frequency shift through structuring or adding in elements behind the natural events, be it more chemtrailing, weather warfare, more mind control through the use of technological weapons - all as a means of restricting consciousness awakening.
- further, in response to a caller, Jade Helm is discussed in more detail (it's mentioned in passing earlier in the show.) Simon states that this exercise is very much connected to the frequency shift whereby the lower states where the exercises are being carried out will be experiencing a higher frequency field in July and August - the purpose being of learning from and managing the resultant effects on the population there before it heightens further in the upper states into September.
Essentially, as I see it, this frequency shift is leading to a heightening of polarities so while, as Simon says, there will be rising societal chaos for a period, with consciousness continuing to expand and awaken, welcome breakthroughs will also arise with the arrival and more widespread acceptance of, for example, new forms of technology and healthcare modalities.
cites the acceleration and growth within the Open Source community and
how this is leading to the free sharing and development in the likes of
these aforementioned areas. These include the potential for free energy
sources being rolled out in three years or less, electromagnetic cures
for the likes of cancer as well as more natural medicines that will
consequently challenge Big Pharma.
relation to this he says the more that you share with others, the more
abundance you receive because what you're in effect doing is releasing
fear energy through this medium of exchange.
also expects in the next few months, leaders in certain countries to
come out and initiate a new peace forum that will, amongst other things,
encourage the continual blossoming of Open Source platforms.
at various points through the show, he encourages people to make sure
they're getting more sleep so your overall health, nervous system and
immune system is better equipped to better cope not only with the
heightening energies but also in interactions with those around you.
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