
Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Schumann Frequencies are the 'sound' of the earth. It's like hearing the sound of a big drum, with that drum being the earth's resonant cavity. Only a few years ago the earth was vibrating at around 7.8 hertz, but a few days ago, the Schumann frequency hit 16.5...


This demonstrates that the earth itself is changing… she is literally speeding up!


The Schumann resonance (SR) is defined as a set of resonant modes or spectrum peaks, between 7.83 and 45 Hz, in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. The fundamental Schumann Resonance is a standing wave in the atmosphere around 8 Hz. Human brainwaves are entrained to this pulse emitting theta and alpha frequencies in the same EMF region. Necessary for mammalian growth and repair, such signals in guidewaves in the geomagnetic cavity are the meta-drivers of biological processes, homeostasis and adaptation. We cannot thrive without them...

