
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It's alright. I don't have to make
sense of things. Everything is ok.
I just let go of the need to judge
which path is right and which is
misleading us. Because I cannot
know anyways. So instead of all
these negative thoughts of all that
I once held dear... I let it all go!
I let it BE without frustration, 
anger and judgement. I am at 
peace that now they no longer
make sense to me. It's ok that I 
am not serving, or participating
or anything else. I think I am ok
with taking a break without having
to break away from anything. 
Simply because there is nothing
I am attached to or severed from.
I am all things at all times. I am
part and I am parcel and I am the
whole of ALL THAT IS.