
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Compression Point Processing


For specific areas or items: Punch up a single concept  or dichotomies.
  1. Notice the patterns of mass and charge.
  2. When is it? One of the things you look at is when is this mass. It may have many whens involved, and putting attention on when a charged event took place will break apart the clusters of charge and beings.
  3. Where is it located in your space?
  4. How big is the area it spreads through?
  5. How much does it  weigh?
  6. What color is it?
  7. Is there a flow?
  8. In what direction?
  9. Find the Compression Point.
  10. What is its Pressure? Release it.
  11. Find the Compression point.
  12. What emotions are there? Release any Emotions. 
  13. Repeat until intensity diminishes.Bleeding off the emotion from the area is vital. If this step is not fully done, one may eventually find themselves an emotional wreck.
  14. Find the Compression point.
  15. What Feelings and Moods are there? Allow them to release.
  16. Find the Compression point.
  17. What intentions are there?
  18. Find the Compression point.
  19. Bleed off whatever is there.
  20. How big is the mass?
  21. Repeat until there is no compression point to find.
If needed:
What can not be experienced?
What would you have to be responsible for if this mass or charge was gone?
Note: The Compression Point Process contains many of the components of Alan Walter’s Shock, Confusion and Mass Handling, which are used to beak an area of mass apart.
