
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Who Am I? Don't lose track of My True Nature


Through all the intricacies of the study of the
Ancient Wisdom do not forget ....
Through all the convolutions of the conspiracy
theories and happenings do not forget ....
Through the perambulation through daily life with
its myriad urgencies, needs, wants do not forget ....
Through the questionings, yearnings, demands,
depressions, mental states do not forget ....
That That Which I Seek Is Who I Am ...
and Always Have Been.
Know that the mind seeks after its latest delight -
be it food, God, the right philosophy, the TRUTH ...
Yet Truth is closer than breath       and the 
Sea that divides from Truth is none other than the MIND.
Stop thinking and all stops.
What remains?
call it what you may
experiencing is knowing
and by no other way is it defined.

SO take time to watch yourself Susie
(tending to get lost in all these ramblings)
as you meander through this and that
knowing I AM THE WITNESS - the Soul
And commune in Silence and Stillness ever, ever so often
To make this REal, TRue, PUre, HOly
in my daily life experience.

A moment's knowing is not enough
It needs to be worked on constantly, consistently,
daily, hourly, unyieldingly, without let up.