A friend
I friend is someone we turn to
When our spirits need a lift
A friend is someone we treasure
For true friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone we laugh with
Over little personal things.
A friend is someone we're serious with
In facing whatever life brings.
A friend is someone who fills our life
With beauty and joy and grace
And makes the world that we live in
A happier and better place.
And love is the answer to all that man seeks.

The capacity to care is the thing which gives life its
deepest significance...
A song is no song till you sing it!
A bell is no bell till you ring it.
And love in your heart wasn't put there to stay
Love isn't love till you give it away.
Love is a beautiful flower that blossoms on Earth with
its roots deeply embedded in Eternity....
Do you know the world is dying
For a little bit of love?
Everywhere we hear them sighing
For a little bit of love.....
I searched and searched the whole world around
And this is one thiing alone I found.
Of all the gifts from GOD above
The greatest gift to man is LOVE...
God sends us many treasures
For which we cannot pay
The music of the songbirds
Sunsets at close of day.
A child's delighted laughter
The cool refreshing rain
The seedtime and the harvest
Of life sustaining grain.
And then another treasure
That's just as priceless too
He sends us friends and loved ones
And one of them is you....
We lit the lamp of friendship
So many years ago.
And still its burning brightly
Amid time's ebb and flow.
A beacon in the darkness
That cannot dim nor fade.
A light that will not falter
In sunshine or in shade.
As on life's road we travel
Its friendly flame we see.
And may its light keep shining
Through all the years to be.
Watch your thoughts, keep them strong.
High resolve, think no wrong.
Watch your thoughts, keep them clear.
Perfect love casts out fear.
Watch your thoughts, keep them right.
Faith and Wisdom give you light.
Watch your thoughts, keep them true.
Look to God, He'll lead you.
He was going to be all he wanted to be, tomorrow!
Noone should be kinder or braver than he, tomorrow.
A friend who was troubled and weary, he knew,
who would be glad of a lift and needed it too,
Oh, him he would call and see what he could do, tomorrow!
Each morning he would stack up the letters he'd write, tomorrow.
And thought of the folks he would fill with delight, tomorrow.
It was too bad he was busy today
And hadn't a minute to stop on his way.
Much time will I have to give to others, he'd say, tomorrow.
But in fact, he passed on and faded from view
And all that he left there when living was through
Was a mountain of things he intended to do - TOMORROW!!!
The Greatest of These...
A little beauty
To pass along
A little duty
To make us strong.
A lot of gladness
To make us whole
A little sadness
To cleanse the soul.
A sense of humour
To make us smile
These are the things
That make life worthwhile.
But more important
Then all above
The greatest of these
A touch of Love.
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