
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Sagittarius Full Moon Meditation ~ Michael Robbins

In Sagittarius we head towards the lowest part of the yearly lower interlude, fully achieved at the ingress of the Sun into Capricorn. Yet Sagittarius is also the sign which offers a lofty vision of Soul/Spirit potentials. Sagittarius is the sign of “Vision”; “Where there is no vision, the people perish”, it is said. The present vision before the majority of human beings is starved for sanity. It is the responsibility of those trained in the Ageless Wisdom Tradition to offer a far truer Vision of Inner Reality and the way that Reality relates to the world of appearances in the lower three worlds. The great majority of Reality lies ‘outside’ the ring-pass-not of present human consciousness. This can and must change. The Purpose towards which human beings strive must receive a strong infusion of Truth. People strive for so many things, and so many of them are valueless or unreal. If disciples live up to their responsibility, all this can change, and humanity can learn to strive together towards the “Vision of the Real”. In meditation, together, we can work towards this desirable objective.