
Saturday, October 12, 2013


Mastery of Emotions is needed to make it through 
the second initiation. 
Use the mind to master the emotions. 
Experientially I know emotions don't change anything.

Mastery of Mind is needed to make it through 
the third inititation.
Have no opinions of anything or anyone and the mind 
will be still.
Let go of mental meanderings and focus on one 
subject, study, talent, pastime.

There is a war they say for the minds of men. 
The mind uses its side-kick, the emotions to ensnare one 
in its complicities
Together the duo can also be referred to as the desire mind 
or kama manas.
Entangled one tangoes to the beat of the opinionated mind 
coupled with seething emotions creating the downward drag 
that pulls one deeper into the tentacles of matter.

Let the initiate beware !!