
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) drug Ritalin is dished out to
kids like kacang...

Doesn’t ADD Up: 

Well Said

KL - 31/12/13 Rally against price hikes...


End year ponderings

10.40  pm  31 . 12 . 2013

We stand on the brink of a new year - 2014.
Much is predicted to happen this year.
So too was said about 2012 and 2013.....
So  let go of fear and stay centred

Rochelle's message was:
Keep centred whatever 2014 brings. We are not dependant
on appearances, fear not, be joyful, retain a light touch in
all your doings. Blessings.

I face my fears in their many forms knowing
Yet the body goes through and I have to go through with it
even with the knowledge that I am not any of it.
So be it.

I wish the world well. I wish Humanity well.
To those awake and to those asleep.
Whichever path we take I wish all well.

May the Forces of Light triumph and liberate the planet
from the grip of the dark. 

Let us work in bringing Light to enlighten not only ourselves but
also the planet and all the kingdoms on Earth. 

In love, light, joy and purpose ......
        Goodbye 2013, 
         Hello and Welcome 2014  
                                  with all that you have in store for us.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I exist on many levels in many forms of which this physical is but one and the lowest in vibration.
Everything has form. Creations such as civilizations, all forms of systems be they social systems, governmental systems, religious systems, etc.  Thought form entities eg negative thought forms are dark entities, the bodies we wear have a life of their own. All work with or against each other in our lives internally or externally in the world. So we are constantly tussling with aspects of ourselves, of the groups we belong to. Humanity is a living throbbing, growing, degenerating form life in its own right. So the focus should be on what are we creating? Light filled or dark creations. Our dark creations and the dark creations of humanity weigh heavily upon us, bearing us ever downwards and our light filled creations lift us up into more light. If we want outa here we have to conscientiously work with light and light thoughts, nary a negative or dark or ill thought towards self or others. It seems so simple yet we struggle with this in this polarized world. Years on the spiritual path and I still succumb to deepest negativity for a couple of years when all the light knowledge failed me - I just did not connect. So I have discovered this is a real possibility and also understand how the initiate can without his conscious awareness slip into the dark path along the line. There has to be a single pointed focus on what it is we are trying to achieve. Getting into too much knowledge and too many practices tends to make one forget the pertinent points of spiritual work.
There has to be a refocus daily on what it is we are trying to achieve. Light and light filled thoughts create light filled forms that serve to enlighten us, liberate us and those around us. This is easily said but within us is lifetimes long accumulation of darkness and negativity especially from the deep dark past from which all of us have emerged to this point in time when with more light we are able to work off the past accumulations. Focusing on light and light creations is a daily single pointed spiritual practice that has no let up, no holidays, no excuses for in an instant that control can be lost. Every day we juggle with polar opposite emotions, actions, words, deeds, thoughts. As they arise, happen we have to enlighten, substitute with positive and light and loving thoughts, actions, speech, deeds. Every single one has to be addressed and transformed. Keep on keeping at till .... we are outa here for good.... lifetimes from now....at the latest! Happy enlightening 2014.

What 2013 meant for me ...

What does 2013 mean for me? 

A getting back to hauling my own cross
A letting go that Power Beings are going to enlighten 
 my life because I am somehow more worthy?
That I am a chosen one? and therefore above it all?
To get through I have to go through...
I rise to the occasion no matter what the Universe
 dishes up in the moment.
My own disillusionment, irritations, dis-ease sits on
 the back burner almost forgotten when there are needs
 to be met and service is called for...
LIfe happens all the time; am I present?
Self forgetfulness does not mean SELF forgetfulness.
I am free of other people's impositions 
I am the Artist of my Life.

I am aware of old age irritabilities...
 age related issues, problems, helplessness even b4 it 
 happens. Acutely sensitive to this in others' experiences.
I c the need for greater focus on self care, not obsession!
I c the need for greater conscious living on the physical plane!
I c the need to be there for others and others being there for me.
I c the need to be mentally alert and emotionally stable so
 that the physical can be smooth.
I c the wisdom of pondering on my own quote of:
 How you live the first two thirds of your life will determine 
 the quality of the last one third of your life.
How have I lived my life? Am I ready for my last one third?
Work on it. Life is ongoing and we can change and shift things
 around to make it fit our Soul Paradigm .... 

2013 has been an illuminating year. I have learnt much :-
-taking responsibility for my life and meeting life head on
 no more running to gurus, books, esoteric schools, psychics.
-taking responsibility for my thoughts and seeing how the mind
 takes on a life of its own and the need for mental boundaries.
-following my inner guide and this way there is no blame game.
-shifting attention to health, wealth, wisdom- reaping life.
-allowing others, letting go, moving from Administrator to Advisor.

Now I focus on embracing my golden years wisely, graciously and meaningfully.


If we have foresight as we do hind sight we would make better decisions


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Lucis Trust, Festival of Sagittarius Talk

Sagittarius encompasses the quest for Spirit of Truth and Right, 
"the sum of all truth growing out of individual revelation." This
quest for truth can be a lonely one, and when it comes, it can be
both discomforting and releasing at the same time.

Keynote of Sagittarius: 
I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another.

Sagittarius can bring interludes of apparent rest where the disciple
gathers up his forces. Sagittarius is where past accomplishment is 
acknowledged and the sights are set on the next incline to be 

True meditation serves to liberate the consciousness from the barriers 
to love and right relationships which the personality has erected. In 
the same way each person must fully accept the Truth of Self in all 
other Selves before he or she can love fully and in freedom from 
social-ethical-cultural conditioning.

It is a huge task to widen our perspectives of truth on the one hand, 
while on the other to follow an ever-narrowing path to the 
mountaintop. The narrowness of the path, reminiscent of a single 
arrow of fiery aspiration and one pointed intention, provides the 

Sagittarius is known not only as the spirit of truth, but also as the 
spirit of right; for while truth is the goal, right thought and action are 
the means of achieving it.

Separateness is the cause of all evil and the cause of all 
other evils in the world. So I remove separateness from
my life. I choose to see all as One. 

The difficulties on the spiritual path has been from what
I perceived as separateness in the group. And I needed to
sort these things out in me too.

I need to follow my own truth and work at this in my own
life. Blindly following others seems ok so long as everything
they teach is perfect and pure. The moment there is even a 
mustard seed sized doubt it grows and grows till it blasts 
the house of sticks down.

Now I am not quite ready to build another house. For all
is confusion in a sense. Is there really a need to build houses?

When all is being questioned the building materials are 
not there yet. So let chaos reign for now. It is ok.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Simple Quotes

Sometimes the best revenge is just a simple smile... to let them know you're doing just fine.

Live more, complain less. More smiles, less stress. Less hate, more blessed.

Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have.

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo Tolstoy

                                                         ai yai yai yai yaaaii .....

The mundane existential drudgery and monotonality of life....
is our lot. Adventure and interests that seem to spark now and 
then being but the modulations and the prolongations on this 
basic tonic of drone that just goes on endlessly ....like a lazy
dragonfly nonchalantly flitting over a sultry pond on a warm 
afternoon with naught to worry it, hurry it, or disturb it ....

No matter where you go, at every turn, every peek, every look 
you are exactly where you have always been ...
... nothing has changed.

What are you trying to become?
Where do you want to go?
What do you want to achieve?
There is only ME which has not gained, achieved, become 
anything  but  ME. 
So who is this ME that has not become more or less through 
all the experiences of my life?
But IS  - unchanging, unmodified, undignified.
Who is the experiencer? Who experiences?
If experiences touch not the Core of who I AM
who then is it who experiences?
The compulsion to life, to experience, is for whom? 
Comes from whither? 
Serves who? Whose agenda?

Are we here to just sit still, in silence and attain that ME
through negating experiences but the one experience of 
Isn't that a contradiction of life itself.
Life wants to experience
I want to exit it
Life says DO
Quite contrary....

It doesn't make sense...

The spiritual practice of at one ment is to merge in consciousness 
with the ME that is not perturbed, disturbed, modified by outward
experiences. It is to shift consciously from a ruffled outer self to 
the unruffled inner Self. It is not to cease experiences but to not 
be affected by the ups and downs of the experiences that one goes 
through life. To move from the constant yo-yoing of life to one of
unconcerned nonchalance - to a still, witnessing of life as it is lived.

It is a technique of stilling the outer life to experience the inner 
life of which we know naught till we experience it. Much is said 
of the inner experiences that we are capable of but are oblivious to
because of our mesmerized fascination, addiction to and lack of 
control over outer events. 

Through spiritual practice we master our response to and take 
control over our reactions to the outer world. We are not at the 
mercy of the world, we choose how we respond to (as opposed 
to react to) life events. Through this mastery we awaken to the 
whole-ness that we are inter-dimensionally instead of being locked
into the outer world by our senses. 

Spiritual work in a sense is a freeing of ourselves from the sensory 
imprisonment of our bodies. From  being a slave to our bodies and 
bodily needs to a mastery of our bodies and experiencing that ME
is not our bodies; to know that ME is unmoving, unchanging, 
ever peaceful and joyful and is not the experiences of the bodies.

It is not about this or that is right; both are existentially correct.
Spiritual work is to help us understand that we are more than just
physical beings. It is about discovering our true selves, our true nature 
OF OUR PARTS.That we are both spiritual and physical beings. 
At this moment we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. 

These techniques help free us from our forgetfulness of who we are. 
As a result of this forgetfulness we have limited ourselves till we have 
imprisoned ourselves in this deathtrap of the physical realm and are 
on a ferris wheel of birth and death on and on ... stop and know I can 
get out of this limitation I have co-created on this planet.
But I have to work at it diligently....

Which brings me back to the basic question:
What is the purpose of it all? 

Which is another story entirely
No one quite knows the answer to that one!  


Monday, December 16, 2013


The incredible story of how Diablo became Spirit

This is reaching that substratum of Life that gives such 
profound, amazing meaning to life.

My thoughts about Life ```` 2013 ````

** The Spiritual Essence best extolled through Eastern 
      Philosophy belongs to no one and everyone **

** I don’t have to change the colour of 
   my skin;the world has to change its 
   ideas about it **

** How you live the first two thirds of your life will 
    determine the quality of the last one third of your 

** Life and death is one; they interchange constantly **

** Forms are plenty; they interchange constantly into each other; 
refining and enlightening till That which moves through forms merges 
with Its perfected creations; till then they seem separate 
– the Form-er and the form-ed  **   

** Things should matter to make the outer changes; 
     things should not matter to our inner state.  Inwardly 
     we should remain neutral while taking action 
     outwardly. **

** There is a substratum to Life on Earth. We each have 
     to strive to reach that substratum that unifies all Beings. 
     And find the miracle of inter-connectedness that makes life 
     more meaningful and purposeful than we ever imagined.  **


Which face do you want to wear today?
Or do you want to go ego-less?