
Monday, May 30, 2016

It would be better if the globe spinned a little slower... interesting nevertheless...

This image brought back memories of these famous words - 'Our world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. ― H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds' 

Green Jay

Sunday, May 29, 2016

taoaw 2w1

deep into the alluring mystical forest I went in search of ....something special!

Saturday, May 28, 2016


Fairy wren

The Blue-naped Chlorophonia ... I'll just call it blue naped cutie pie


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Snuggling buddies

Ah well ... just for the shock of it ... it makes one do a reality check.

The vulturine guineafowl

Golden Pheasant

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Some insightful quotes

aaw 12081

aaw 12032

aaw 12021

aaw 12051

The Eclectus Parrot

When we love what is, it becomes so simple to live in the world.The world is exactly as it should be. ~ Byron Katie ~ Image by Evis Dotter

To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy is to set our own conditions to the events of each day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The beautiful dark indian girl ...

ancient india beautiful dark skin woman Ancient India Preferred Dark Skin, Not Fair Skin!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Shaft Tailed Whydah

No one truly knows
what they will do in a certain situation
until they are actually in it.
It's very easy to judge someone else's actions
by what you assume your own would be
if you were in their shoes.
But we only know what we THINK we would do
not what we WOULD do.
~ Ashly Lorenzana ~


note ...

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Very much like how R said we as a group created a pain body during our sadhu lifetime and now have to feed that which we have created - with more pain.

Hmmm ... now is this meant to be ....

Violet-green swallows

Loch Etive, Scotland.

This is true ... so wise up to what is in me by those around me :)

lately, I've had a lot of this issue come up ...

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The verditer flycatcher is an Old World flycatcher widespread in Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, especially in the Lower Himalaya.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


It seems that despite all the negative actions of
the adherents of Islam from suicide bombings
to refusal to tolerate other religons and much more
Western countries are giving in more and more to
recognizing and allowing Islamic demands in their
Thinking about this I can only conclude that where
some ulterior motive is at work in the affairs of men
spiritual or otherwise, these are the means  by which
man is set against man to bring about the change
desired by those who "manage" humanity.
We do learn that the worlds of form are evolved through
friction between the light and dark forces.
So while it is popularly given out that good, positive
qualities are the norm, when it suits a purpose to bring
about change the negative aspects of humanity or opposing
aspects o humanity are introduced into a society to impel
change when that society has run its course even if good.

Just as we stand on the brink of a new future with China
as Super Power replacing the has been, United States we
hear news of bank workers being paddled on their bottoms
for poor performance in China. Now what "type" is taking
over? Not necessarily a more evolved type! I suppose it is
just their turn at the wheel of power by rotation!?!

Some quotable quotes

When you are alone and you feel lonely,
Obviously you are in bad company 

How do you deal with female adulation?
That's why I covered myself ...  (to laughter)

Do you ever get angry.
I don't give others the power to decide how I feel.
                                                 - Sadhguru

His faithfullness (to his girl friend) is limited only by the options available.
He has a zillion options now - fr a Crime & Investigation program.
(made me think about my commitments - how faithful I am when 
there are few options but fly out the window when there are many 
options for breaking them, e.g. vegetarianism. When I had relaxed
the rules but decided that I will still pursue vegies but such flimsy
resolve melts away when faced with the option to try some new but
meaty delights. And I wonder about my sense of commitment...)

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Wow indeed ...!

Eating with chopsticks ... easier to knit than eat ...

Happy Mother's Day


Saturday, May 7, 2016

The azure kingfisher

The violaceous euphonia