
Monday, June 30, 2014

A Malaysian's View

Hope in water colour

 Hope in Water Color
by Saraswathi

from: http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.co.uk

Sunday, June 29, 2014



Thursday, June 26, 2014

De-tox bath


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

? Hmmm

Are these perhaps robots or clones?

China has recently come up with
such precision acts in the Olympics
and in performances such as this
that one wonders if they have
access to some alien tech and support
from other world Controllers who plan
for China to be the next Super-Power.

This to stupefy the world into a recognition
of a higher ability not had by others and
thus enabling a rise to power; a right to Power?

David Icke

What we believe, we perceive
What we perceive, we experience.

Let us look at this.
According to my beliefs I interpret others actions or outer
events - my perception. Accordingly I experience it as a
confirmation of my belief. For example I believe that others
see me as not helpful; I then actually interpret their words
or stance or just assume they are thinking just that - oh they
must think I am not willing, not wanting to do, not helpful
and consequently I experience my actions not for what they
really are (I really have valid reasons why I can't contribute 
or help) but that I am just being unhelpful, selfish or just
not wanting to help and feel pain and a sense of guilt, and 
a whole new story gets spun about how now they are not 
going to help me when I need help; I will be alone and 
helpless especially when I am in need in my old age or 
when ill or ailing etc etc ad infinitum. And I subconsciously
tell myself that I must help at whatever cost to myself which
only gives rise to more rebellion, guilt and the cycle goes
round and round.


One day at a time

One day at a time is all we should be dealing with

The Outer reflects the Inner

Own yourself or be owned

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Am I a kind person?

a deep question this ...
one is kind only to the extent one is free of fear and in
control of one's life.
one is kind when one has plenty and is ready to be "kind"
one is kind even when one does not have plenty but one
is able to see a greater need in the other.
one is not kind when one is troubled by what kindness
may suck one into that is anything but light.
so there are no ultimatums in noble characteristics.
All is subjective and relative....

just as it is possible to cultivate a peaceful buddha like
nature when one's life is a normal one - one filled with a
fair share of positives and negatives.
one is unable to be peaceful and poised and composed
when one is buffetted by stormy incidents in life.
Peaceful nature, kindness and all other positive virtues
touted by most religions fly out the mindscape when one is
fighting tooth and nail to maintain one's mental equilibrium
leave alone emotional or physical.

Do I learn from my mistakes?

 Or do I keep doing the same thing over and over
and have the same painful experiences coming to

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Liver detox foods

Power and Love

An African Proverb


Life will keep bringing you the same test over and over again

Maybe ....

It's not always about trying to fix something broken

First fess up; then change it


Friday, June 20, 2014


Your Life has purpose. Your Story is important. Your Dreams count. Your Voice matters. You were born To make an impact

tsk tsk tsk

R we returning to the prone position ????

Lower Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Using Towel
by: Junji Takano
Most people resort to the use of medicinal herbs or a strict low-salt diet as natural ways to lower high blood pressure. However, did you know that a towel can also be used to lower your hypertension?
## Here's what you need to do:
1. Bring out a towel and roll it up like shown on the picture below.
2. While holding the middle portion of the towel, squeeze it as hard as you can. Use 100% of your strength and remember this feeling for your reference.
3. Gradually decrease your strength down to about 30%.
4. For two minutes, squeeze the towel using 30% of your strength.
5. Rest for one minute.
6. Perform the above procedures twice both on your left and right hands. Do these three times a week.
By doing this hand grip exercise using towel, in combination with low-salt diet and aerobic exercise, you will eventually see a decrease in your blood pressure naturally right at the comfort of your home.
For best results, the thickness of the towel should be enough so your thumb won't be touching the rest of your fingers while squeezing the towel tight.
## Just remember these two things:
1. Hold and squeeze for two minutes and rest for one minute.
2. Perform the exercise twice with your left hand and twice with your right hand.
## How Can Hand Gripping Lower Your Hypertension?
Research shows that when hand gripping restricts blood flow in the forearms, a powerful natural dilator, nitric oxide, is released by the arteries, which helps lower the blood pressure. You typically need about a month of doing this hand grip exercise before you'll see significant reduction in your blood pressure.
Hand gripping using towel can be very handy especially to those who have injured legs and are in the hospital and cannot do aerobic exercises.
Important: Please consult your doctor before doing hand grip exercise if you have severe hypertension (180/110mmHg or more).
About the Author:
Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in electromedicine. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the only electrostatic therapy machine that effectively eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article within your website, blog, or newsletter as long as the entire article remains the same as well as the "About the Author" box.



Natural Cures

What's on the News?

Thursday, June 19, 2014

What is consciousness?
It is awareness?
Yea but what is awareness anyway?
We can measure the consciousness of a people
by their level of awareness.
Of what?
Of themselves and their surroundings for starters.
On a higher scale of life as it manifests in its
many variegated form....
Let's look at this .... through observation....
now we can guess at the consciousness of a worm
....food, food and more food.... until it becomes a
pupa .... it is sleep, sleep and more sleep -
a kind of hibernation as it transforms within until it
becomes a butterfly... its consciousness expands to
... knowing flight, knowing food, knowing mating
until it dies ..........................

Likewise taking man .... he is conscious of the need for
food ... clothing .... protection .... procreation AND
his five sensory perceptions of sight, hearing, taste,
touch and smell. What does he do with this - with his
mind he manipulates his environment, with his emotions
he creates relationships, through his physical body and
its five senses he makes a life for himself... until he dies.

Are all men of the same level of consciousness?
Obviously not? How? Why?
Some just exist; some live their lives, some achieve,
some transcend.
There is obviously a difference between all these types
of human beings. Their awareness of themselves in
relation to their surroundings is directly proportional to
their quality of life.
One would then say a man who transcends is not having
a high quality life. Materially perhaps. But the material
person is unable to fathom what the transcendent experience
of the spiritual man is like. The higher levels of awareness
that he has opened up to which is still a mystery to those
who haven't reached his state of being.  To the point he
is no longer interested in mundane material existence.
His consciousness therefore has expanded to include
dimensions of being. This manifests in his increased
humanity, dispassion, detachment, lovingness beyond all
barriers, disenchantment of the world in its divisiveness.

We see an improved standard of living, caring and sharing
amongst those of a high level of consciousness. This does
not include wealth and that which wealth bestows upon
people. For this kind of a high standard of living is at the
expense of other human beings in other parts of the
world who slog to provide the rich their lifestyle. Here is
a higher consciousness which has managed to order its
environment but which has not expanded its concern beyond
that of self-ishness is waiting to bloom into an all encompassing

Mass consciousness to self consciousness to group consciousness
(here the group being humanity)

When the majority of humanity reach this state of group consciousness
he stops plundering the Earth and stops enslaving other human
beings to meet his needs. He instead starts serving others to meet
their needs. He relinquishes all and in giving up the Earth attains Heaven.

Vegetable protein

interesting ...

Grow vegetables ...

Monday, June 16, 2014

As you sow

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Shoulder and Arm pain cure

SHOULDER & ARM PAIN POINT: Relieves finger numbness, 
shoulder bursitis, rotator cuff & upper back pain. Press firmly for 
2 minutes; 3 times daily. Can’t reach it? Use a tennis ball, lying on 
your side, breathing deeply. A nap afterward is healing. Guided 
Self-care dvd relieves stress, headaches, shoulder & neck pain:  

10 steps to Self-Care

Saturday, June 14, 2014

But then we don't do to get love

A beautiful day

Honour your feelings

Friday, June 13, 2014

Don't change for others

What people say ...

The Last Sermon of the Buddha

The Buddha's Farewell Address
I have preached the truth without making any distinction
between exoteric and esoteric doctrine;
for in respect of the truth, Ananda,
the Tathagata has no such thing as the closed fist of a teacher,
who keeps some things back....

"Therefore, O Ananda, be ye lamps unto yourselves.
Rely on yourselves, and do not rely on external help

"Hold fast to the truth as a lamp.
Seek salvation alone in the truth.
Look not for assistance to any one besides yourselves.

"Herein, O Ananda, let a brother,
as he dwells in the body, so regard the body that he,
being strenuous, thoughtful, and mindful, may, whilst in the world,
overcome the grief which arises from the body's cravings.

"While subject to sensations
let him continue so to regard the sensations that he,
being strenuous, thoughtful, and mindful, may, whilst in the world,
overcome the grief which arises from the sensations.

 "And so, also, when he thinks or reasons, or feels,
let him so regard his thoughts
that being strenuous, thoughtful, and mindful he may, whilst in the world,
overcome the grief which arises from the craving due to ideas,
or to reasoning, or to feeling.

...it is in the very nature of all compound things
that they must be dissolved again.
We must separate ourselves from all
things near and dear to us, and must leave them.
How then, Ananda, can it be possible for me to remain,
since everything that is born, or brought into being, and organized,
contains within itself the inherent necessity of dissolution?

 "O brethren, ye to whom the truth has been made known,
having thoroughly made yourselves masters of it,
practise it, meditate upon it, and spread it abroad,
in order that pure religion may last long and be perpetuated,
in order that it may continue for the good
and happiness of the great multitudes,
out of pity for the world,
and to the good and gain of all living beings!

"Star-gazing and astrology, forecasting lucky or unfortunate events by signs,
prognosticating good or evil, all these are things forbidden.

"He who lets his heart go loose without restraint
shall not attain Nirvana;
therefore, must we hold the heart in check,
and retire from worldly excitements
and seek tranquillity of mind.

"Practise the earnest meditations I have taught you.
Continue in the great struggle against sin.
Walk steadily in the roads of saintship.
Be strong in moral powers.
Let the organs of your spiritual sense be quick.
When the seven kinds of wisdom enlighten your mind,
you will find the noble, eightfold path that leads to Nirvana.

'All component things must grow old and be dissolved again.
Seek ye for that which is permanent,
and work out your salvation with diligence.'"

"He who gives away shall have real gain.
He who subdues himself shall be free,
he shall cease to be a slave of passions.
The righteous man casts off evil;
and by rooting out lust, bitterness, and illusion,
do we reach Nirvana."

Love and trust

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Take responsibility for my creations, my life....

Hmmm ....

I am so blessed


Sigh .....

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Relevant to current political events

Don't let people pull you into their storm

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Be yourself

Monday, June 9, 2014


So long as he does not get lost in mindland .....

If someone really cares ...

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Recipe for Homemade Deodorant with Coconut Oil

The recipe is simple….
1/4 cup melted unrefined extra virgin coconut oil which corresponds 
to 4 tablespoons of solid coconut oil
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup corn starch
10 drops of essential oils (I used lavender and tea tree oil)
Glass jar with lid
Place all the dry ingredients into a convenient container.
Add the melted coconut oil and essential oils and stir well.
You’ll end up with a fragrant paste 
which should be poured into a jar before it solidifies. Remember, 
coconut oil’s natural state is solid, and the end product should 
look something like this. Leave it to cool naturally before 
placing it in the fridge for extra solidification. I like to keep 
it at room temperature for easier application, but you can also keep 
it in your fridge.

The Final Word

Oh, and in case you wondered how these ingredients have been 
proven to work… baking soda absorbs odors, cornstarch 
absorbs wetness and coconut oil is an anti-oxidant and a 
moisturizer with anti-fungal/anti-bacterial properties. The 
essential oils you added will add their own properties. 
In my case, I added lavender oil as an antiseptic and tea tree oil 
for its antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic qualities.

And that’s how you can create happy armpits!

Diabetes - Is there another option?

Wouldn't it be better if the ravages of high blood sugar levels could be
addressed as a part of overall good health, rather than simply as an
illness in need of drug treatment? Recent studies have revealed that
many foods have blood sugar-stabilizing effects. Here are seven of
Cinnamon - We all recognize this happy, holiday spice, but did you
know that cinnamon can regulate blood sugar in people with diabetes?
A study published by the American Diabetes Association's journal,  
Diabetes Care (3), showed that, after 40 days of use, cinnamon
lowered blood sugar levels in the test participants by as much as 26
Fenugreek seeds - Fenugreek is a tangy spice that some people say
tastes a bit like licorice. Toasted and added to salads or cereal, or taken
in powdered form, fenugreek can lower blood glucose levels.
Fenugreek is also a blood thinner, so care should be taken if you also
use blood- thinning medications like warfarin or aspirin. 
Ginseng - American ginseng, as reported in the eCAM-published study
"Ginseng on Hyperglycemia: Effects and Mechanisms," (4) can lower
both fasting and post-meal blood glucose levels. How ginseng works is
 not completely clear, but early studies suggest that the herb increases
 insulin production and slows the death of pancreatic beta-cells. The
ginseng root can be taken as a supplement, or it can be added to the
diet as tea. Also a blood thinner, ginseng should be taken with care by
people on blood-thinning medications or those with autoimmune
Broccoli - Chromium has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar,
and with a single serving of broccoli packing, according to the World's 
Healthiest Foods (5), 53 percent of the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI)
of chromium, it's one of the best natural sources. Broccoli is also high
in fiber, which makes it a win-win for people trying to reverse diabetes. 
Oatmeal - Fiber is high on the list of natural blood-glucose stabilizing
substances, and whole oats pack 16 grams of fiber into a single cup.
Oats are also high in magnesium. A dry quarter of a cup has over 17
percent of the DRI. 
Peanuts - Peanuts and peanut butter have been proven to lower blood
sugar levels. Stabilizing your blood sugar protects the pancreas from
being overworked and also staves off hunger. Other nuts have the
same effect, but peanuts are easy to add to your diet. Toss some over
your cereal in the morning or have a PB&J on whole wheat for lunch.

Friday, June 6, 2014

I am not defined by my Memory.

Ponderings ...

I am the Path. It seems at times that I have 
gone off the path by withdrawing from some 
one teaching I have been passionate about 
and feel disillusioned. But the fact and the 
truth of the matter is who I am is my Path, 
however I choose to live my truth. I may 
withdraw, start anew, change course, change 
my belief system. 

I am the same person on the selfsame journey - it is all part/path 
of my following my bliss. I can't go wrong. Life can never go wrong. 
Good and not so good are but value judgements of the personality; 
it all is grist for the soul. At some point single pointed effort is 
needed for a breakthrough. When I choose to do this nothing will
stand in my way. Until then I do the best by virtue of my karma
and my dharma in life. All is well. There are active periods and 
there are rest periods. I am in a rest period. Let me handle this
graciously with understanding at the personality level and be a
little kinder to self and others.

Wherever you go ...

You cannot escape yourself. You are your great discovery. You
are your greatest journey. You are your greatest conquest. It is
not out there, in some ideology, some learning, some teaching.
