
Monday, November 11, 2013

It would seem that Earth is the Noah's Ark of this Universe, 
 at least our local universe.
Each universal being is represented here it would seem.
We have cats and there are said to be cat like intelligent alien 
We have dogs and there are said to be dog like alien beings 
 walking upright.
So too there are mantids which are insectoid
And raptors and reptoid beings like reptiles here.
And descending in density to the third dimension here these 
 beings somehow diminished in their capabilities as we human 
 beings diminished from souls to limited human beings.
Which is why Earth is such a popular planet right now.
All want to be here. All want control of some kind.
All claim ownership of the planet and its human entities and all
The human being is unique. He is a product of twelve hierarchies.
As such he is a prized possession and many are fighting for 
 ownership of him. 
But he does not belong to any one of the many. He is a being in 
 his own right. 
The human being holds the solution to many of these beings'
 problems. He is the synthesis of these many beings. Hence he
 demonstrates the unity of all in One. 
Earth is a one-stop centre of unity in diversity, a priceless gem.