
Friday, May 15, 2015

It is important to start a new journey, a new habit,
a new personal dispensation only when the time
is right. Something started at an inauspicious time
faces much impediments which leads to failure
which eats away at one's resolve, one's belief in
oneself and in one's value system. And this sets one
back a little.
Vegetarianism was so important for me. I got started
finally yet at a time when it just did not work for me.
It failed; I felt I failed; desire grew anew, strengthened
and every inch given to desire once restrained makes
it strong a thousand fold.
So instead of just being vegetarian I am tussling with,
in a constant tug-of-war with the 'starting to be' phase.
So do not start on austerities when the time is not right
when it is doomed to failure from the start.
The next time it becomes that much harder...

Know that it is not my resolve, it is just not the right time
Rest in the KNOWING that I can surmount ANYTHING
When there is a need to I CAN DO IT.