
Sunday, March 13, 2016

written for the solar eclipse and new moon last wednesday, five days ago, on 9/3...

article by Stephanie South, and a great reminder....
"To clear ourselves we must be willing to LET GO and work to release all emotional charges. When we make vibration a priority in our life, then we avoid unnecessary arguments or discord as harmony becomes more important than being right. Let the other person be right (as long as it’s not harming anyone). Most arguments are unnecessary plays of ego and are detrimental in creating harmonic resonance......

The history of the galaxy is the history of changing vibrations. Changing vibrations create different qualities of time and different cycles of consciousness. Many religious scriptures and ancient texts speak of the “fall”.
What was the “fall” but a change of vibration? Religion was created out of a perceived disconnection from Source, the primal vibrational frequency, pure and uncontaminated. Religion means “to bind back to one."
The central part of ourselves (our inner sun) connects us with the primary genesis of everything (all suns). Our vibration is directly connected with and affecting the workings of the entire planet. We are a key interactive unit in the entire cosmos."
"We have totally forgotten that this Universe is the outcome of vibration. This Universe is not communication. This Universe is not money. This Universe is not love, it is not sex, it is not beauty, it is not even God. That one line is true: “In the beginning there was the Word, Word was with God, and Word was God.” That’s all it is about. What is a word? Creative vibration." — Yogi Bhajan

As you read these words you are both receiving and transmitting vibration. Today we enter the Storm wavespell of self-generation with a New Moon and total solar eclipse. It is a powerful time. Ever…