
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Some quotable quotes

When you are alone and you feel lonely,
Obviously you are in bad company 

How do you deal with female adulation?
That's why I covered myself ...  (to laughter)

Do you ever get angry.
I don't give others the power to decide how I feel.
                                                 - Sadhguru

His faithfullness (to his girl friend) is limited only by the options available.
He has a zillion options now - fr a Crime & Investigation program.
(made me think about my commitments - how faithful I am when 
there are few options but fly out the window when there are many 
options for breaking them, e.g. vegetarianism. When I had relaxed
the rules but decided that I will still pursue vegies but such flimsy
resolve melts away when faced with the option to try some new but
meaty delights. And I wonder about my sense of commitment...)