
Friday, September 9, 2016

9-9-9 Today is 9/9/2016

Completion, Completion, Completion.
How is it relevant to me?
It is my 29th wedding anniversary!
29=11 a master number of completion
On many levels. I see a karmic completion here
On this very special potent day of 999 - triple nine.

I have been a student of the Alice Bailey teachings.
And Theosophy some ...
Yet of late and today I read the many contentious issues
between these esoteric groups. I wonder ...
How much do I resonate with them essentially
And how much just to be knowledgeable and to be a part?
I can't verify any of the material - why?
Because I have no personal experience of any of this. So?
Isn't it time to call it a day and go on my own journey?
Taking what is good and pure and whole and holy
AS I AM and journeying on, not getting caught in the traps
of losing the Spirit for the Form as most of the students seem to be...