
Friday, July 10, 2009

Tarry awhile....

As through a window
Espy a world; an image
Still and potent
in its natural allure.
Many takes on this one scene...
warm sunny afternoons brightening the colours,
lazy and soft hued...
rain drops dripping from chairs, fronds; cleansing, reviving...
pensive evenings still, silent...
droning insects flitting from stem to shimmering leaf
a zillion rain drops splitting into miniature
fountain sprays on wet tiles
the world folding unto itself
with the withdrawing rays of the setting sun
in slumber to repose, entering deeply the dreamscape.
enter more deeply into this picture perfect, be a part of it
or withdraw away and see it as from the outside looking in
and see the viewpoint change and differ
according to the vantage point taken.
isn't this very much like life Love?