
Monday, September 29, 2014

Making sense

It is said that there are many worlds within worlds. I joined a
School which teaches the philosophy of  saving the world. Yet
I see human beings behave worse than beasts in their ugliest
nature... beasts cannot come even close to what human beings
can be at times... how do I make sense of the work of saving and
working for humanity?

For starters those being saved are the helpless ones...
To release humanity from the trap they are in.

I have to realize experientially what I have been told and have
learnt. That the world out there is not me. I create my world.
We co-create the world reality we live in and based on this
co-creation much is done which we buy into because of the
subliminal pre-program running this reality which we have
opted to be in. I can opt out of it by creating my own reality.
Think it out, feel deeply about it and act it out - that is LIVE IT.

Human beings or all beings in human sheaths are not the same
in their make-up. We have been told that there are all sorts
masquerading and parading and living and acting as they will in
human form. We make a mistake in thinking we are all alike and
take all as one .... this is mistaken application of the 'all are one'
spiritual tenet.

We are one at the soul level - here there is a separating marker
- there are those with souls and those without souls. At this
level we know we are one with all those with souls  who have
the love wisdom principle which separates them from those
without soul and love which at the personality level shows
in their love-less acts and the world is groaning with these
types running amok at present.

So it is important to not identify with the world in its decadent
ways and know that one is Oneself and create one's life in line
with spiritual laws and live one's life according to those laws.

Leave all else aside. Serve where there is a need; get out of self-
protection mode - there is nothing to protect. The shell of a body
is disposable. Stop identifying with it - take care of it as you
would your possessions. It is just that - a possession for a while.

Life is about experiences - physical plane experiences which we
see is inter-connected. It is not about self vs others as is the norm
in personality life. There is no separation - there is unity and co-
creation. There is co-created well being. LIVE THIS! Leave well
alone others who work at exclusivity, elitecity (elite city - of those
who are on the higher end who live their own exclusive lives using
the world's resources at the expense of the masses) with separative
mentality (usually they are in fear and self-protection mode).

As has been taught - discrimination and discernment has to be
cultivated. There is so much out there now what with the hiden
being made known ... even if the truth, don't buy into it; stop
wasting time on it for it is all just more personality baggage of the
greater human family. All the atrocities that have been going on,
that are still going on and will continue to go on makes for
hair-raising and mind boggling entertainment but liberates us not
from the thralldom of matter and those of an evil turn in their nature.

As said above there are many of the "so-called" advanced thingis
(not all are beings) that control the world and humanity (many of
whom are not awakened to their higher natures that elevates them
above the love-less intelligentia). The ONLY way out is to awaken
the masses and to awaken OURSELVES. To pave the way in our
own lives out of this paradigm, out of this physical realms which
imprison us.

Let all else fall to the side. Attention to earning a living, gaining
knowledge THAT FREES and compassionate service to those in

Honour all human beings; keep away from those ill bred, serve the
Higher as a core service of embodied life and in serving the Higher
we SERVE ALL. Let the vibration of the planet increase and flush
out that and those which are evil; that refuse LIVE to others.