
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Libra Full Moon

The Master DK tells us that the power of Libra is steadily growing in the planetary horoscope. This is fortunate because Libra is the Sign of Peace, reflecting the Peace of Shamballa. The world currently is at war ideologically and, to a dangerous extent, physically. This conflict is meant to be fought out on the mental plane and is not intended to descend into a full blown war upon the physical plane. The conflict is part of humanity’s necessary house-cleaning before the Prince of Peace, the Christ, and His Spiritual Hierarchy, can return to visibility and wide recognition. We can do our part in meditation to help bring harmony to the present turbulent situation: harmony between human beings and harmony between the human and deva kingdoms—so necessary if we are avoid the ecological disaster on our little planet. We must learn to fuse soul and personality; this is called “The Marriage in the Heavens” and will prepare a certain proportion of humanity for the first initiation and, thus, entry into the fifth kingdom of nature—the Kingdom of Souls.