
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Keep it simple

Keep it simple, there's no need for you to read all spiritual books under the sun:
“Another delay on the way to Enlightenment is the supposition that one has to master and assimilate a vast amount of spiritual information in order to achieve spiritual success. Spiritual libraries usually contain hundreds of books, in addition to which are endless workshops, training groups, and diversions that may lead to an intense study of theology, metaphysics, philosophers, religious histories, and the like. While valuable information does arise along the way, it often ends up being more of an interference than a help because the accumulated erudition reinforces spiritual pride and the self-delusion of “I know.”
To cut through the complexity, it is really only necessary to know and apply a few simple spiritual tools, the efficacy of which is enormously empowered by the consistency of their practice and continuous application to everything, no matter what, with no exceptions. To be serviceable and useful, the tool has to be simple and brief, perhaps consisting of only a single concept. To be remembered is that spiritual evolution is not the consequence of knowing about the Truth, but the willingness to become that truth. To learn about spiritual reality is interesting and has some benefit. It is best to choose by intuition and attraction a spiritual teacher and teachings or a school to which one feels aligned and the validity of which has been verified by consciousness calibration techniques.”

Excerpt From: David R. Hawkins. “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment.”