
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Acupressure Points
MOST FAMOUS POINT for relieving nausea, an upset stomach, anxiety, nervousness & panic attacks. P6 is the most widely used point in scientific research. Why? Because it really works to calm & soothe your body. P6 is located 3 finger-widths above the center of your inner wrist crease. Learn more here: www.acupressure.com
Acupressure Point P6, called the “Inner Gate” is good for calming your internal organs & inner being! Easy to use & super safe. Famous for relieving nausea, no matter the cause. Also good for emotional balancing, relieving anger, anxiety, panic, fear, mood swings & indigestion.

Acupressure Points Hold this wrist point firmly for 2 to 3 minutes as you take slow, deep breaths. Repeat thru out the day as needed or for prevention. You can press it on both wrists.