
Saturday, August 8, 2009


"You are perfect; uncover the person who feels something is missing, and what remains is perfection. … Leave the mind and body free to be what they are and you will no longer be their slave." - Jean Klein

"The attribution of reality to things which rise in thoughts is the cause of all bondage - Sri Atmananda Krishna Menon

"I feel that there is still, in you, some waiting for an event called 'enlightenment' at the end of a purification process. See the absurdity of this. It is more of the same game of rejecting the now. Consciousness is here and now. You are that, here and now and forever. Whatever may come up in the future can only be an illusion. That which is real doesn't come and go. It will not arise in the future. It is now and forever." -Francis Lucille.