
Saturday, August 22, 2009


Loving-Friendliness Meditation

May our minds be filled with the thought of loving-friendliness,
compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity.
May we be generous! May we be gentle. May we be relaxed.
May we be happy and peaceful. May we be healthy.
May our hearts become soft.
May all our words be pleasing to others.
Wherever we go in the world, may we meet people
with happiness, peace and friendliness.

May we be protected in all directions from greed,
anger, aversion, hatred, jealousy, and fear!
May we be free from tension, anxiety,
worry, and restlessness.
May all that we see, hear, smell, taste,
touch or think
help us to cultivate loving friendliness, compassion,
appreciative joy, equanimity and gentleness.
May we be mindful of our opinions and actions.

May we be willing to walk our talk, speak our truth,
know our life's mission and balance
past, present, and future in the now.
May we remember that Divine Law is not
judgment or denial of self-truth.
Divine Law is honoring harmony that comes
from a
peaceful mind, an open heart, a true tongue, a light step,
a forgiving nature and a love of all living creatures.
May we honor the past as our teacher, honor the present
as our creation, and honor the future as our inspiration.