
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Susila and all she is is a hologram of her mind. She thinks she is a certain way, in the way she looks, feels and thinks. Her world is self/mind created and she dwells in it, is immersed in it, thinks she is it, and limits herself thereby. She is a product of her mind. Her world is projected outwards by her inner programs run by her mind. She goes through life thinking life is dishing her this or that, her world is like this or that, thinking she is at the mercy of an impersonal world out there. Little does she understand that she is the director, producer and actor in her drama and the world stage projected outwards by none other than herself. She is the perceiver, the act of perceiving and that perceived. She is all of this. If she can penetrate this all dissapears....and what is left is no-thing....yet everything. That which expresses through susila, is much, much more than just her ego life or mind life. That which is the ensparking, ensouling Being-ness is pure Presence, pure essence to be experienced to be known. It is beyond all paradigms, boundaries, explanations.

We are not at the mercy of some external force which moulds our lives. We create and mould it ourselves by our thoughts, feelings and actions. Once we gain control over our thoughts and feelings then we will be able to consciously create our lives just the way we want to live it.