
Saturday, May 24, 2014


Celery is a strongly alkaline food that helps to counteract acidosis, purify the 
bloodstream, aid in digestion, prevent migraines, relax the nerves, reduce blood 
pressure, and clear up skin problems. Celery contains compounds called 
coumarins which are known to enhance the activity of certain white blood cells 
and support the vascular system. Celery’s rich organic sodium content has the 
ability to dislodge calcium deposits from the joints and holds them in solution 
until they can be eliminated safely from the kidneys. Celery is a well known 
natural diuretic and has ample ability to flush toxins out of the body. Celery also 
has significant anti-inflammatory properties making it an essential food for those 
who suffer from auto-immune illnesses. It also contains significant amounts of 
calcium and silicon which can aid in the repair of damaged ligaments and bones. 
Celery is rich in vitamin A, magnesium, and iron which all help to nourish the 
blood and aid those suffering from rheumatism, high blood pressure, arthritis, and 
anemia. Fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful and healing juices one can 
drink. Just 16 oz of fresh celery juice a day can transform your health and digestion 
in as little as one week.