
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Lucis Trust, Festival of Sagittarius Talk

Sagittarius encompasses the quest for Spirit of Truth and Right, 
"the sum of all truth growing out of individual revelation." This
quest for truth can be a lonely one, and when it comes, it can be
both discomforting and releasing at the same time.

Keynote of Sagittarius: 
I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another.

Sagittarius can bring interludes of apparent rest where the disciple
gathers up his forces. Sagittarius is where past accomplishment is 
acknowledged and the sights are set on the next incline to be 

True meditation serves to liberate the consciousness from the barriers 
to love and right relationships which the personality has erected. In 
the same way each person must fully accept the Truth of Self in all 
other Selves before he or she can love fully and in freedom from 
social-ethical-cultural conditioning.

It is a huge task to widen our perspectives of truth on the one hand, 
while on the other to follow an ever-narrowing path to the 
mountaintop. The narrowness of the path, reminiscent of a single 
arrow of fiery aspiration and one pointed intention, provides the 

Sagittarius is known not only as the spirit of truth, but also as the 
spirit of right; for while truth is the goal, right thought and action are 
the means of achieving it.