
Friday, November 27, 2015

And we are facing a very dangerous world: one ideology, the Russian Marxist ideologies facing the so-called democratic ideologies. So there is nobody you can turn to. I wonder... one wonders if you really realise that. Nobody on earth or in heaven is going to help you. You can pray, and that which you pray to is the creation of your own thought. One wonders if you actually face this fact, or surreptitiously, in our anxiety, in our confusion, we turn to another. one is confronted with this very, very serious problem of life, realising that there is nobody that can help us, nobody on earth, or any outside agency. God is the creation of thought, of man, out of his fear, out of his anxiety, desire for comfort, seeking somebody to help. The thought has created this so-called entity, God. ..... Jk