
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Our problem is not to be resolved by going back to the past, to what Shankara, Buddha, Christ, or your own guru has said, but only by being able to meet life, with all its challenge, anew, afresh; and you cannot meet the challenge, the fact, in that way as long as the mind is burdened with any evaluation. It is meeting the fact with evaluation that creates confusion and sorrow. So, can the mind have memory and yet be still, thus meeting the fact without evaluation? Can the mind be free of all its many yesterdays?"   ~Jiddu Krishnamurthi~

The only way forward is to go through to get through, totally present, non-judgemental, without opinions and find own answers experientially. 

The mind can be filled with others' information, and be full of yesterdays' memories but that only weighs it down and hinders the Higher Essence from flooding down into the lower life. The memory stores all information but so long as the active mind does not dwell and spin tales and whine and re-play the past it hinders not being in Presence in the full experience of one's life. Which is why one is asked to remain in the NOW moment - the mind is still - and ESSENTIAL PRESENCE - IS - the experiencer without the middle man Mind sitting in judgement and analysis and creating a pseudo-life called the personality which eventually takes on a spurious life of its own and stands in its own way, blocking itsSELF.     ~Susila~